About Me
I have been on a journey as of late, an expedition of personal learning as I navigate the physical and emotional changes that occur for so many of us when entering the second-half season of life.
As I’ve searched for answers to my wellness questions, I have stepped into the previously unfamiliar world of functional medicine and holistic healing and, for me, this path has led to increased wellness.
But no good story starts at the end. To understand where I am now, you must understand where I started.
My Symptoms
At the age of 37 I began experiencing symptoms of early-onset menopause—hot flashes, insomnia, and heart palpitations. My energy levels were abysmally low and trying to concentrate for long periods of time while at work felt impossible.
Additionally, I experienced mental struggles—the ubiquitous “brain fog”, mental exhaustion, and memory difficulties. I also had issues with my digestion. Indigestion, nausea, and heartburn were common, as were headaches, body aches, and a strange sensation that my skin was burning.
I visited numerous traditional doctors who came up with numerous traditional theories…but no concrete diagnoses and no treatment that seemed to help.
It’s important, I think, to note something about me—I am a questioner by nature. As a rule, I am not satisfied with a simple answer. I want to know the reasoning behind it.
I want to know the why.
I have applied this technique to my wellness journey. I don’t want a laundry list of medications. I want to know why recommended medications are necessary. I do not want a recommendation for a specialist. I want to know why this specialist will be an asset to my wellness team.
But why? has become a mantra of sorts for me, and I’ve found that digging for the underlying reasoning behind medical suggestions and protocol has led me to a medical team fully committed to improving my wellness.
Meet My Wellness Team
As I write, I am currently under the guidance of three extraordinary wellness experts and healers. My current wellness plan falls under three categories: Mental Health (which I’m considering calling Finding Joy and Happiness), Food, and Chiropractic/Functional Medicine.
Mental Health/Joy & Happiness – Anthony has been instrumental in shifting my perspective and the way I think about things. With his help, I am learning to minimize negative thinking and to focus on more productive and positive practices like Ujjayi breathing. I have learned to do that which brings me joy, so I’m taking up piano lessons after years of not playing, and I’m mindful about carving out time for simple pleasures like jumping trampoline with my niece. I’m also practicing yoga regularly and learning about sympathetic and parasympathetic states (more on that in future blogs).
One of the most valuable lessons Anthony has taught me is this—the right thoughts lead to the right actions, which then lead to the right outcomes.
Food/Fuel – Bettina is working with me to clean up my diet with a focus on macrobiotic healing. I am currently on a temporary strict vegan diet heavily influenced by macrobiotic principles. Bettina is also a guiding influence when it comes to healing techniques.
Chiropractor/Functional Medicine – I originally saw Peter for chiropractic help after experiencing back pain while running. When I learned he also practiced functional medicine, I asked him to help me come up with a diagnosis for my myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms.
My Diagnosis
Working with Peter, I completed lab work that confirmed the following diagnoses—dysbiosis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), inflammation, and metabolic imbalance. This multitude of diagnoses is often referred to collectively as leaky gut.
I am still learning about my condition but, from what I understand, this means there are proteins entering my bloodstream that aren’t broken down properly. Because the body senses these unexpected proteins, it creates an immune response. If the immune response goes on for extended periods of time, practitioners warn of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and dementia.
Because I am determined to share fully with those of you who choose to join me on this journey, I’ve decided to include a link to my lab work results. If you’re interested, you may view my labs here.
My Plan
And so…
Here we are. You’re all caught up. Thanks for sticking with me.
The plan from here on out is to focus my healing using the three focus areas mentioned above—Joy/Happiness/Mindfulness, Diet, and Healing Techniques (I may add an additional focus area in the future for the supplements I choose to take).
My goal with this blog is to provide a resource for others like me who are not satisfied with instruction—who want to know the meaning and purpose behind the why.
Here are few questions I hope to answer in upcoming blogs:
Why should I chew my food 50 to 100 times before swallowing?
Why should I steam?
Why can’t I grill?
Why can’t I have booze? Meat? Caffeine? Mushrooms?
Why can’t I enjoy fermented foods like natto and ume?
Why can’t I eat vegetables or oregano oil?
Why can’t I use (insert various supplements here)?
Why is vagus nerve stimulation problematic?
As you can see, I’m not interested in a quick fix here, because I don’t trust it will work. I’m determined to listen to my body, to push away the noise and really listen to what she needs, and to use the wisdom and guidance of a select group of healers to recalibrate my body and take control of my health.
It’s going to be a long journey and, I hope, an informative one. If I can help one person start asking the questions that can lead to improved health and wellness, I will consider this quest successful.
Are you ready, friends? Let’s learn together.